

"The greatest gift you can give someone is your time. When you give your time, you're giving a portion of your life that you can never get back. Time is a funny thing. Time is too long for those who grief yet too short for those who rejoice. But time is eternity for those who love.

I have seen the weirdest thing of all. I have seen how people can live their whole life in a single minute. A loving mother. She love nothing more than her little daughter. When she wake up, the first thing in her mind will be her beloved daughter. Before she close her eyes at night and sleep, her daughter will be the last thing on her mind.

One cloudy morning, the mother took the little daughter outside to purchase ice-cream. Vanilla. Because vanilla is her daughter favourite flavour. There is something funny about the way her daughter eat her ice-cream that always make her smile.

She cannot find the vanilla this time. She tried but she cannot see any. The same way she failed to see that her daughter was walking to the main road. A lorry hit her daughter and the lorry hit her bad. She died on the spot. Everything happened so fast. In less than a minute. But 50 years later, the sad mother still cannot forget how she lose her most beloved daughter because she did not hold her hand in that one minute. She lived her whole life in that one minute. She never get pass that one minute.

A guy was walking on the second floor of a building. A wonderful girl walked pass him by. He must have stared at her for one minute. She was the most beautiful thing ever. He lived his whole life in that one minute. It was a good life. He never get pass that one minute. Maybe time goes slower when you miss the one you love.

A kind-hearted and soft-spoken girl was reading something on the Internet. To her surprise, it was about her. Although no name was mentioned, she can guess that it must have referred to her. Something about her manner. She lost her cool and send a series of rude and demeaning messages to her teacher. It all happened in less than a minute. She did regret it but was embarrass to apologize. She never get pass that one minute.

A boy scolded his mother because he caught his mother taking a glimpse at his diary. He was so mad at this invasion of privacy. He scolded her for about one minute, saying that she should just die. She did. The lift at the apartment crashed and she died the same day. That boy never get to apologize. He never get pass that one minute.

Time doesn't heal anything, it just teaches us how to live with the pain.

Time is mysterious thing. Our most valuable asset is not money. We can always find money later. It's not even health. We can improve our health with money. Our most important asset is time. Time is everything. In the end, we are measured by the way we spend our time. Every single minute matters. The way we spend our time defines who we are.

We must have faith in the one outside space and time. The only one outside space and time; God. The one who created space and time. Everything we need, will come to us, at the perfect time."

- Dr. Yazid Zul; IIUM.
