View from my window (ii).

"Did you know? Every day, the heart creates enough energy to drive a truck 20 miles. In a lifetime, that is equivalent to driving to the moon and back. So when you tell someone you love them "to the moon and back" you're essentially saying you will love them with all the blood your heart pumps your whole life, which I think is equally as meaningful."

But there are certain things you can only love from afar.  And no matter how far away it is, you can always feel them. 



  1. Apa maksud perkataan jepun tuuu? 😆

  2. and you will always be my love to the moon and back.


    1. You too, to the pluto and never get back. ^^,

  3. Anonymous11.2.17

    kenapa tukar music pulak?

    1. Sebab satu2nya hal yang tak akan pernah berubah adalah segalanya berubah. Dan dengan perubahan, kita akan selalu belajar menjadi dewasa dan tidak membosankan being the same person for the rest of our life, with the same 'drama', repeating the same song over and over again. ;)

  4. Anonymous12.2.17

    As slm.. Hai awk. Sy xpandai nak enti ukhti.hehe
    T.kasih ats tulisan2 awk selama ni. Hah, sgguh setiap yg tertulis, mesej, pesanan dan hikmah smpai terus ke hati sy yg membaca.
    T.kasih kerana menulis dari hati.
    Lepas meninggalkn usrah (ats sbb2 yg akal sy rasa munasabah waktu tu,) sy rasa hati sy kosong.
    Sy ingt, keputusan sy tu betul. Tp lama kelamaan, jiwa sy lemah. Hati sy kosong.
    Sy sedar sy kehilangan sesuatu.
    Selalu dtg baca blog awk, ntah mgkin mencari kekuatan atau ketenangan.
    Dan tdk pernah kecewa membaca setiap entry awk.
    T.kasih byk. Teruslah menulis.
    Semoga Allah membalas kebaikan2 awk dgn ganjaran berlipat ganda.
    Maaflah, pnjg sgt.

    1. Walaikumsalam, hai. Terima kasih. Semoga Allah melorongkan perjalanan awak ke jalan2 kebaikan. InsyaAllah. Jangan pernah berhenti mencari. :)

  5. Anonymous14.2.17

    ary xde twitter ke? 😅

    1. Takda, tak reti sangat main twitter. 😅 #umatzamandinosaur


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