
"Whatever we do for pleasure, we should try to do, or learn to do, and practice on occasion, in solitude. A kind of test to gauge our skills and see how deep the passion lies and to find out what it is we truly like, to discover - minus other tastes and preferences - what specifically give us pleasure. We all have our eccentricities. Alone, we indulge."

"Cooking for yourself allows you to be strange decadent or both. The chances of liking what you makes are high, but if it winds up being disgusting, you can always throw it away and order a pizza; no one else will ever know. In the end, the experimentation, the impulsiveness, and the invention that such conditions allow for will probably make you a better cook." 

All excerpts taken from one of my favourite books about food,  Alone in the Kitchen With an Eggplant; Confessions of Cooking for One and Dining Alone.
