If you`ve met.

source: tumblr

Why are you staring at me?” she’d ask. 

“‘Cause you’re pretty,” I’d reply. 

“You’re the first one who’s ever said that.” 

“I’m the only one who knows,” I’d tell her. “And believe me, I know.”

There are some people who enter your life like gems. These are the real diamonds. They have no ulterior motives, no inferiority complex, no superiority complex, no need to prove that they are better than you, or seek to have more than you. They don’t feel entitled and aren’t needy or dependent. They are not superficial or fake. They remind you of God and they understand you, when no other person does. They don’t wear a mask with you or pretend to be perfect. They are just real with you and honestly and sincerely only want good for you. You feel you can tell them anything without worrying that they will judge you or put you down for being imperfect. They know your flaws, but love you anyway. And they are loyal. You know they’ll be there for you. They'll always have your back. And best of all, time and distance doesn’t change this.   

If you’ve met even one person in your entire life like this, you’re blessed. 

- If you`ve met; Yasmin Mogahed.

You`re beautiful.
Deep in.

