To the one who always loud in a quite way.

Allah mencintai-mu, selamat mencintai-Nya! :)

"He is nothing special. He is just a common person with common thoughts and he leads a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to him and his name will soon be forgotten, but one thing is certain, he never pretend to be a good person, in fact by a lot of standards he is not. But he has been living so truthfully to himself and that is enough."

You know how sometimes you meet someone and everything changes, just like that? Suddenly the world comes together, and you know what you`ve been missing all your life.

That`s happen to me.

Semestinya Tuhan memperkenalkan dan menemukan kita dengan banyak orang agar kita lebih mengenal dan memahami diri kita sebenarnya. Dan hanya apabila kita dapat belajar memahami diri kita sendiri, barulah kita akan dapat belajar memahami orang lain. Segalanya perlu bermula dengan diri sendiri.

"..untuk setiap proses baik yang melukakan atau membahagiakan, ada saja pembelajaran yang membuatkan diri makin matang dalam 'memandang' kehidupan. Mengenal orang-orangnya, memperbaiki akhlak, mengubah paradigma dan sudut pandang terhadap sesuatu, malahan adakalanya tanpa sedar menemukan diri dengan kehendak dan keperluan sebenar peribadi, hingga akhirnya menjadikan diri lebih baik." 
-  kak umairah.

You could be a big part of someone else's life and not even know it. To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world. Learn not to rely so much on others. But never, ever teach yourself to deny others either. There will be days when you feel cold and empty. But there will also be ones with light and warmth. Wait for them. You`re allowed to feel sad even if you`re supposed to be happy. Running away is not a weak thing to do. It takes strength to let go of things. Even bad things. And last but not least, just because you loved and lost, does not mean that you cannot love again. Keep that in mind, okay!


  1. Ana pernah merasainya jua.


    Selamat mencari laylatul qadr! ^^

    1. Semoga dipertemukan insyaAllah :)


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