Random thought.

"I fall in love regularly with each person whom passes me in the streets, or who sits beside me on the bus. 
Not in the romantic way—no we hardly speak a word to each other. 
But I sit, quietly observing all of their body language and all of their expressions. Their smiles, and gestures; the way they lift their coffee, or smile as they read that new text message, or count the change in their hands. 
I watch vigilantly, tracking the manners and movements, and appreciating all that these people are. I spend some time thinking about their families and lives, and the life they lead. I consider what they might do for work or if they went to school and what for. When they woke up that morning and how they did their hair.
I study the details of these people—that may otherwise go unnoticed.

Researching each of them, noticing our similarities and rejoicing in the beauty of human nature."

I always love to do people watching. I love seeing people walking by with little smiles on their face because; something small happened that made them happy. Maybe they got a cute text, maybe they got money or maybe they killed a man. Haha, you will never know. Sometimes I try imagine what they are thinking, where they are going, and I wonder what stories they`d tell me if I asked them. If I said "tell me what you carry around in your heart?""

Hmmm. It`s just the art of paying attention to the little things. Which I always do, most of the time. Shhh.

Before I pen off, here are five positive quotes which I discovered yesterday. It's about how to care less about what others think [especially the negative nation].

  1. Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. - Oscar Wilde
  2. You are not what others think you are. You are what God knows you are. - Shannon L. Alder.
  3. Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner. - Lao Tzu
  4. Your self worth is determined by you. You don't have to depend on someone telling you who you are. - Beyonce
  5. My dear, I don't give a damn. - Margaret Mitchel

LOL. I really like the fifth one! 

Peace. ^^,v

You know, there are things we should pay attention. There are things we should ignore. If you learn both of it, you`ll be at peace. 

'My aim is to put on paper what I see and what I feel in the best and simplest way.' - Ernest Hemingway.


  1. kak, akak tiada instagram dah ke? saya kesepian. Huhuhi. asyik stalk akak kat sini je. blog saya tutup. Huhuhu

    1. Tak ada. Hmmm, Awat tutup? Baru nak minta awak share resepi best2. T-T Mesti insta awak best macam dulu kan..hehe ^^,

    2. mana tak tutupnya kak, jadi tumpuan pulak. hmm. insta saya biase je kak. kali ni nak keluar cari pengalaman, nak kurangkan layan perasaan. akak nak resepi apa? Macam pandai masak sangat je saya ni. Huhu

    3. Biaq pi je depa...hehe, takpelah, iffah lebih tahu apa yang terbaik untuk iffah. Dah besaq dah kan. hmmm, kumpul pengalaman manis2 je ok. Jangan layan perasaan sangat, tak elok untuk kesihatan.

      Akak tengah cari buku resepi masakan semenanjung. Nak bawa balik sabah. Kat sana ada ja tapi nak cari kat hasani, murah sikit. :) Anyway, awak dah pandai dah tu. Keep it up! Nak jadi future housewife yang produktif kan. All the best! ^^,v

    4. I wish we can meet someday, sometime, kak... :')

    5. ...and I hope I can meet your expectation(s). One fine day, okay. Akak doakan Allah beri kesembuhan insyaAllah. Fight3!! Kejar cita2 awak. Jangan give up. Keep reading! Nanti akak share lagi buku2 best. Dah janji dah hari tu nak share pasal buku ilmu tu, hmmm tak sempat lagi. Akak free sikit nanti akak share pasal tu okay. :)

    6. Akak takde whatsapp?

    7. Ada. Bagi no. ffah, nanti akak ws :)

    8. +60 19 522 2197 ni, kak. :D

  2. saya pula sentiasa admire dengan mereka2 yang pandai menulis dan sentiasa jatuh cinta dengan indahnya bait2 kata yang terhasil yang selalu menginspirasikan saya..

    1. Allah, segan pula terima pujian dari yang lebih berpengalaman. Nanti kak zilla tulislah travelog. Saya orang pertama beli insyaAllah. Harap ada selit tiket percutian percuma sekali. Hehe, request pulak. ^^,

    2. travelog? memang dah lama merancang Ary cumanya tak tahulah bila akan direalisasikan. bukan apa, perjalanan saya cuma di negara2 Asean sahaja, ada ke yang berminat? Tiket percutian percuma? InsyaAllah hehehe...

  3. I like watching people too :) Sometimes they caught me staring at them, dangerous! I hope they won't misunderstand and assume that I have feelings for them, hahah.

    1. Kalau kat perempuan bahaya ni. Haha, just don't make it too obvious la. :B


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