On getting older.


"actually i love growing older and learning how i work as a person like realizing what kinds of fabrics feel best on my skin or what brand of yogurt i like best or how I want to be touched. watching myself change, enjoying brussel sprouts when I used to hate them as a child, understanding why I got angry in that one conversation 10 years ago… there are so many mysteries inside me that i have yet to unravel and there will always be more and sometimes i think maybe its all worth it."

Everyone always complaining about getting older, but I like it so much, at least for now. I've been learning so many things because I'm more grown up now. I'm no longer a stranger in my own body anymore. I'm secure in the way I live. I dress the way I like. I figure out my own little routines. Trying new things and realizing I love them. It's wonderful.

The opportunity to age with grace is a privilege not afforded to all. Let us treasure each moment of our lives and recognising life’s fleeting nature. By releasing the mental burdens, we can create space to uncover the lasting inner peace. Embracing this mindset, we will honor the fragility and beauty of life’s journey.

"Makin tua, hal yang saya paling sukai adalah saya semakin sedikit berasa kecewa." - Menjadi Penulis; Puthut Ea.

"The more you mature as a woman, the more you crave solitude, self-improvement, wisdom, and a deeper connection with God." 


  1. Me too. I love growing older. Sometimes it's frustrating but most of the time I'm enjoying myself. Let's grow old together, Ary. InsyaAllah 😍.

    1. Ichi, thanks. Till jannah insyallah. :)


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